Thursday, May 31, 2018

Today is the last day of the rest of my life...or something

I come to you a humble sinner. May Weight Watchers have mercy on my soul!

Two years from last post and I may weigh more (frankly, I'm afraid to check).

I'm older.



But, here I am again with another hope and prayer to make a lifestyle change. I cannot guarantee results, but I hope I get points for trying.

Tomorrow, I start a 90-day challenge. June 1 to September 1. I will go to the gym and get weighed and measured and set goals and all that.

How is this different from all the other times? 

Who the heck knows? To be honest, I've never actually done anything like this. A 90-day commitment, with outlined goals made to another person, so we'll see if it works.

Here's my BEFORE "Before" picture. I wore bright colors today. I have to start with acknowledging this person who is more than just a lumpy, middle-aged pile of fat. I'm busy. I work nearly full time (sometimes this means working late, early, from my car), volunteer at school and community, and parent (somewhat badly) -- AND I have friends and a LIFE that includes wine and cocktails and ALL THE THINGS.

All things considered, I' not doing too badly at 53. And, despite trying to sabotage things in many spectacular ways since before adulthood, I ACTUALLY STILL HAVE MY HEALTH!

Tomorrow, the "before" will be me in my clingy, unflattering workout clothes. And I'll not have makeup on and I'll make a frown and be frumpy so the big reveal will play better. I'll come here and document the findings and the planning moving forward for the next 90 days. And I'm grateful, for now, that no one will be paying attention to this blog!

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