Friday, June 8, 2018

Today was my weigh in/check in at the gym after one week on my 90-day challenge, Mediterranean Diet.

The week wasn't too bad. I focused on having half my plate being fruits and/or veggies above anything else. I laid off late night snacking as much as I could and tried to stick with three meals and maybe a little snack. I felt great and I really do like TMD on the whole.

Biggest challenge was booze. Not that I'm getting hammered every night or anything. But, I never have one glass of wine. Honest tracking helped me see the patterns and see how many of those glasses just weren't necessary.

We talk about how bad soda is for you, but if I had coke with a meal, I never had two cokes. or three cokes. That would be silly.

So, what gives with the booze?

I may need to not drink for a week, just as an experiment to see if I lose weight.

I went to the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, just as I promised myself. It feels great.

Now, I need to do it again this week!

After my workout, I picked up my daughter from a sleepover and was offered breakfast. I ate one slice of french toast with no syrup, one slice bacon, a cup of strawberries and coffee.

And it was FINE!

For lunch I had more of my roasted chickpea salad over greens and I added a can of tuna for an extra protein punch.

Working lunch: roasted chickpeas, tuna, greens

I was so tempted to just go get a burger.

But I didn't!

Here were my results from week one:

Down 1 pound! **** correction**** down 1.6!

BP: 118/89


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