Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

I spent an embarrassing number of minutes today whining about what I have not accomplished in regards to weight loss.

Then, I looked at the calendar.

Yesterday was the official milestone marker of when I changed from being a couch potato to an exerciser. One year ago, March 7, 2015, was when I started with my trainer, Kara at All in One Fitness in Alameda, Ca.

Over the weekend, I put in a bunch of stats we've collected on the worn out manila folders into a spreadsheet. Yes, my weight hovered near the same, but the bp numbers are down and stable and it was great just to see how many days in the last year that I was in there! Just the fact that I went in on those days is a miracle!

While I could take time with my list of things I wish had happened, I have to say I'm very proud of this milestone. It was a considerable investment in myself involving both time and money and I'm grateful to be in the position to have done such an investment so I thank my supportive husband, for sure.

I'd like to thank Kara and her incredible team, who helped me realize this goal. Everyone has been so supportive through my ups and downs. They really do care. I feel so comfortable in that place.

I'd like to thank my new gym friends, Meredith, Chris and Lindy and a couple who's names I don't know, but who I see there on a regular basis. We're all in this together.

In the course of this year I have been able to improve my physical state in a very big way.

  • I feel strong.
  • I can see definition in my arms and legs. 
  • I can take a steep flight of stairs without fearing I'm going to die.
  • It's easier for me to get up off the floor.
  • My systolic blood pressure has consistently been 120 or less.
  • I am down four pounds since I first weighed in. I know, it's not much, but since I only focused on exercise, it means something. 
  • I sleep very well.
  • I'm no longer fearful of the gym.
  • Stress levels are way, way down. (If I had to pick one really concrete difference that I feel, it is this!)
  • I'm at a point where if I don't work out, I feel bad about it; I miss it. THIS IS HUGE.
  • I know that even if I don't lose any pounds, that this change has been a good one and something I should never give up.
I had to write these things down, because I'm a bit angry that the weight hasn't come off. 
People keep trying to offer advice. I don't think exercise helps you lose weight. I no longer believe that. But, it gives you a ton of other things. 

Here are my goals for the coming year (and it's a bit scary to write this down and post in the world): 
  • Change my eating habits for calorie reduction.
    • How? I'm working on new eating plans and new ideas for "go-to" foods. Too often I reach for the same things and they are very calorie rich, but not so nutrition dense.
  • Run a small race, like a 5K or something.
    • How? Enroll, maybe Bay to Breakers or the one in our town on the 4th of July and start increasing my running in nature time (I need to move from the treadmill to the street).
  • Increase workout sessions from four days to five days a week.
    • Thursdays are just sitting there waiting to be scheduled!
  • Be nice to myself.
    • For the many things I can beat myself up about, I know I'm doing the best I can in the best tortoise way I can and it's ok.
What are your goals for the next 12 months and how will you meet them?


  1. YOU GO GIRL! You are an inspiration. I want to be you when I grow up.

  2. Okay, Let me try this again.😀Lynn, your dedication, persistence, and willingness to continue to push forward over the last year has been truly inspirational. You have come so far in so many ways and I am proud of you. Let 2016 be your year and I am ready to be right there beside you.

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