Friday, June 1, 2018

Day 1: 90 Day Challenge

I'm going to be perfectly honest here. I started my 90-Day challenge today and I'm scared. I'm emotional. This is not easy. I have a lot of negative feelings about it. I need to sort all of these things out. My trainer has been with me since 2015 when I started exercising. She knows me pretty well by now. It's a little humbling to try and "start" something and know that you can't bullshit your way with the person. She's extremely compassionate and is not being negative with me at all, but taking those measurements and stepping on that scale was a big downer for me, I ain't gonna lie.

Nothing I'm doing on this challenge is new. Or hard. Or weird. Or anything. I KNOW what to do, but it's the action and the accountability. I know that if I track and do the things I say I want to do I will see results. It's a mindset thing. Not a knowledge thing. It's an AWARENESS thing. When I start writing down what I put in my mouth, it's quite revealing.

But, I have to start somewhere and I hope to blog for the 90 days and be honest with myself about all of this and we'll see where I end up.

Here were the stats today:

Weight: 192.2 lbs
BMI: 33

Chest: 45 in
Waist: 43 in
Hip: 46 in
Thigh: 21 in

And here are the "befores" in all their hideous glory:

I'm purposely sticking out the belly and making a pouty face and not wearing anything cool. All in hopes of a reveal in 90 days that will sell books! Ha.

It's interesting to see this body. I can say that I have nice legs! But, where I gain my weight is the danger. I don't have the curvy figure of a plus-model. I am definitely not pear-shaped. I don't even know if that's an apple! I think it's more like a mushroom!!! Anyway, at this point in my life, I'm not really caring about vanity. But I do know from a health perspective, I'm a heart-attack-waiting-to-happen.

But, to end this on a high note, I'd like to say this, I have amazing friends and family. Life is good. I'm not caught up in material things. I like to have a good time. And no matter what I weigh or how old I am, I believe you can still enjoy dressing up, looking good and feeling good. I went from never exercising to at least hitting a gym 2 x a week and I'm upping that to one more day. I enjoy life. And, yesterday, I dressed up in a fun outfit and went out in the world and it was all ok (see yesterday's post).

I know that if I could conquer some of these bad habits, I would just feel better than I do now!

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